DotNet Programming World

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Load collected performance counters to SQL Server

Load to SQL Server

Now that I have collected my perfmon counters I am ready to push them into SQL Server. To do this I use relog.

To use relog to input your performance monitor counters into SQL Server you must first select a database you wish to push them into and then create a system DSN to this SQL Server database (any version of SQL Server will work from SQL 2000 to SQL 2008). I use Windows Authentication as I don’t want to worry about saving the account and password in the DSN.

Open up the Data Sources (ODBC) (In the Control Panel applet in the Administrative Tools section)
Under "User DSN" click "Add" and select SQL Server for your driver and click "Finish"
Give your System DSN a name – I call it "relog", and then point to a SQL Server in the drop down list or type in the server name and click "Next"
Select Windows Authentication (ensure that your windows login has dbo rights in the database that you wish to write your performance monitor counters to). and click "Next"
Select your database from the dropdown and click "Next"
Click "Finish"
Click "Test Data Source..." to test your data source
If the test was successful click "OK" and click "OK" again and then close this applet
Now push your performance monitor counters to your SQL Server database by using the following command. ServerName is the name of the server which I collected the data on. This name will be written to the SQL Server table DisplayToID that is created and I can query on it when I want to look at my counters.

You will want to run this command in the folder that has the "blg" file that was created or you will need to specify the path too. Also, you need to make sure the filename that was created is what is used for the command.

relog MyCollection.blg -f SQL -o SQL:relog!ServerName


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